Water Treatment Plants and Water Supply Schemes

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Water Treatment Plants and Water Supply Schemes

The purpose of a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is to improve the quality of water so that it can be utilised for a certain purpose. There is a wide range of applications for this water, including drinking, industrial operations, medicinal and many more. By removing and reducing impurities already in the water, our water treatment plants are able to make it suitable for its intended final usage.

On the other hand, a Water Supply Scheme(WSS) is a complete scheme where water is drawn from the river through an intake well. Pumps are installed in the intake well, which pumps raw water from the intake well to a Water Treatment Plant through a DI pipeline called the raw water rising main. This water is treated in a WTP as per the process mentioned below:

  • Raw Water Pre-Treatment
  • Clarification
  • Filtration Plants
  • Membrane Process: Ultrafiltration
  • Softening Plants
  • Reverse Osmosis for Seawater/Brackish Water Treatment
  • Zero Liquid Discharge

The treated water from WTP is pumped through Clear Water Rising Mains to Overhead Reservoirs/Underground Reservoirs. The distribution pipelines are laid to carry the water from these reservoirs to individual households. The housing connections are provided to individual consumers from these distribution lines. The distribution lines are laid in DI, HDPE or PVC.
Water treatment facilities remove dissolved contaminants from water to make it useful again.